Pretty Little Liar's - Charles/A Theory
I have been watching Pretty Little Liar’s since it first started and after a lot of thinking, I have come to the conclusion which many others have also reached; Aria, Wren and Bethany Young (as Sara Harvey) are involved. I have thought this from very early on and I will give reasons behind my theory.
I will start with Aria. When A was Mona, A never really did anything remotely bad to Aria, not compared to the other girls. I mean, Mona even ran over her “best friend” Hanna. So, surely if she’s going to go to that extreme with her supposed best friend, then why not do something just as bad, if not worse, to Aria? Look back to when Aria and Ezra first started their relationship, A (Mona), had every opportunity to reveal their secret, however, she never actually did. Ezra ended up confessing to Aria’s family, he explained to her parents that he loved Aria and that’s how her family found out. A (Mona) was so quick to expose Emily’s relationship with Maya to her mum, so why did A (Mona) not do the same for Aria and Ezra’s relationship? Look at other factors for a moment; it has already been revealed that mental health illnesses run in the Montgomery family, we have Aria’s Uncle Scott, which her dad Byron mentioned, suffered from a mental health disorder. Mike’s odd behaviour in earlier episodes also indicated he also suffered from some form of mental health illness. So if it really is that common in their family, the likeliness of Aria having some form of mental health illness is not so farfetched, especially considering the fact, Aria was once a patient at Radley. The Orderly Eddie Lamb recognised Aria! So why was Aria a patient at Radley? I could assume from what we have being seeing lately, Aria could have a multiple personality disorder, which if you look deep, you will see the hints. The mirrors around her is one sign and also her not remembering certain conversations. I also believe Aria's weird obsession with Dolls is a key clue. What would her motive be? Let’s take a breather on Aria for a second and focus on who Charles could possibly be.
Wren is the perfect prime suspect to be Charles. I’ll explain this theory, in a scene earlier on in the show , Wren mentioned his dad was once a patient at a mental health hospital and left him when he was 10 years old. (Quite convenient how Byron mentioned his brother was sectioned too right?) If Scott Montgomery is Wren’s father, that would make Wren and Aria cousins. Now, we have to be objective here and consider the possibility that Mrs DiLaurentis could’ve had an affair with more than one man. Apparently, Charles is 15 months older than Jason and we already know that Jason is fathered by Mr Hastings (Spencer’s dad). So what if Mrs DiLaurentis had an affair with Scott and she fell pregnant with Charles? This would mean, Charles is not only a Montgomery, but a DiLaurentis too! Wren also had access to Mona when she was a patient at Radley and he also has the wealth to be able to pay for the Dollhouse to be created. Eddie Lamb who I mentioned earlier, didn't trust Wren either. I wonder why?
Let’s now take a moment to discuss why Charles would want to harm the girls. Well, have we once seen Charles actually harm any of the girls? He had every opportunity to physically harm them when they were locked in his Dollhouse, but they were never actually harmed. He played a cruel joke on them with the shock therapy, but no one was actually shocked, it was all mind-games. It’s safe to say, Charles has had every opportunity to harm or kill the girls, but he hasn’t. Why is that? Also, why was Aria the only one to have her hair chopped off and dyed? (Other than the fact Lucy Hale really did get a haircut in real life), but why only her hair? What was the point to it? Do you remember when Aria “left for Iceland” in the earlier flashback episodes? She had dye in her hair, the same colour as the dye Charles/A made her put in? That has to have some significance, surely? I mean, this person, whoever it is, even made a doll of Aria’s hair, with the hair dye! It seems to me, Charles/A is awfully fixated on Aria at the moment and not so much towards Alison. Let’s discuss this hair dye just a bit more for a moment, now, remember Spencer and Aria’s phone conversation? Spencer asks Aria what she did with the hair dye and Aria pretty much avoided the question. Skip later on when the A scene popped up at the end, and you will see A making an Aria doll with the same hair dye. Surely this is a major clue?
Now let’s move on to Bethany Young. Why have we never seen a picture of this girl? Many people are guessing that Sara is actually Bethany, and I would probably agree with that theory. If you look back at the photo of Sara, she looks completely different to the girl claiming to be Sara now. Yes, she was “missing” for a couple of years, but come on, no one’s face changes that much within a short period of time. You will probably sit there thinking, oh but Sara went home to her mother and Emily’s mum spoke to her mother on the phone! Well, it wouldn’t take much for “Sara” to get someone to fake being her mother over the phone, I mean come on, and it’s not hard. We’ve never actually met her mother and the only person we’ve met is her friend who recently appeared, but even then, who’s to say this girl claiming to be her friend, wasn’t actually blackmailed into doing it or paid? It would not be the first time A did something like that. Sara is completely dodgy in my opinion, and what better way to stay out of the insane asylum than to pretend you’re somebody else? Bethany Young is apparently dead, so no one is searching for her. It’s the perfect way to hide. Bethany obviously hated Mrs DiLaurentis, from earlier episodes, we saw her drawings which basically put Mrs DiLaurentis in a bad light (according to Bethany) and all of a sudden, somebody killed Mrs DiLaurentis. Why would Charles kill the one person who visited him in Radley? Why would he kill his own mother? To me, it does not make sense. The only conclusion to why Charles killed his mother would be the fact she knew his true identity and did not want his mother telling people. However, what’s to say Bethany did not flip out and kill her instead? She did hate her with a fiery passion after all. Also, not to forget, remember the bird in the cage in an earlier episode of the show who sang out a phone number? The number was (727) 242-7839, take a look at your mobile/cell phone and I can guarantee, you will spell Sara Harvey out of those digits! Did Sara not also get a tattoo of a bird cage recently? Something very dodgy there in my opinion! I have a feeling, Wren is related to Aria, in the way of cousins, and Bethany Young (most probably pretending to be Sara) is somehow connected or related to either or both of them. I think there is a real reason behind the fact we have never seen Bethany’s face and that is because the moment we do, we’d know it was actually Sara. There are other theories to suggest, Sara is who she says, however, Bethany could be Aria’s twin sister, which could explain why Aria did not remember certain conversations, because she did not have them, but her twin did. However, I’m quite clued on the prospect of Aria having split personality, Wren being Charles and Sara being Bethany.
So if Wren is Charles, why only go after the DiLaurentis family? Why not the Montgomery family too? Ok, so we’re assuming he wants to hurt them, but to me, when he went to meet Jason, it did not seem like he would’ve hurt Jason, as they were close when they were children. Apparently, Charles tried to drown Alison and this is why he was sent away, but stop for a second and think about it rationally, if Charles wanted to kill Alison, why not just do it? He has had countless opportunities before and after she came back to finish the job, but why has he not done it? Does he really want to kill Alison? Look at the letter he sent to his “dad” Mr DiLaurentis, about how Charles will be coming home for his birthday and asks for him to plan a party to “die for”, just “YOU”. To me, that seems like a threat aimed at Mr DiLaurentis only. Jason’s invitation to Charles’ birthday simply was an invitation to come alone, or not at all. There was no threat in Jason’s invitation. Alison was not even sent a letter or an invitation to attend his birthday, not even a threat, so why only Mr DiLaurentis? Could it be, Charles never actually tried to drown Alison? Could it possibly be, Mr DiLaurentis found out Mrs DiLaurentis had an affair and Charles was never his child? This could’ve sparked a jealous outrage and made Mr DiLaurentis fabricate the whole story to get Mrs DiLaurentis love-child out of their life! It is farfetched indeed, however not impossible in the land of Rosewood.
So in conclusion, I believe, Wren is Charles (Big A), Aria is his cousin (Red-coat) and is suffering from a multiple personality disorder, and Sara, is in fact, Bethany Young (Black Widow).
We do not have much time left for the big reveal episode, so we will just have to keep guessing until then!